How has the Spring been treating you where you are? It has been very hot and stormy... and then very cold and rainy over here. This week I decided to repost two of my and my readers' favorite recipes. in case you missed these, here they are...
First is my grandma's recipe for Potato Pancakes. You can click here to try them out yourself. They are surprisingly easy, so don't get scared of.
Next is a recipe for homemade Spinach Feta Cheese Flat Bread. This has been repined, favorited, and viewed almost three hundred times. Click here to enjoy it yourself!
I am back to having you link up to my Meatless Friday posts. I had to figure out how to use the tool and hopefully I learned all there is to it. So please, if you have any meatless recipe you could share with us, link to my linky party below! Thousand times thank you for any inspiration!
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