Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Treating Thanksgiving's Bumble Foot

As you know from one of my previous posts, we now own two turkeys. I still have no idea what is the breed and I hope to find out because they are extremely calm and friendly and I am all of a sudden not so sure how will we ever eat them for Thanksgiving dinner. Especially after this happened.

One day my husband found "Thanksgiving" in the coup, sitting on the ground, trying to get up but couldn't. We found out his foot was swollen to triple the usual size and started to panic a bit. We were worried it might be the disease they could get from chickens and then die from it. After some research, we figured out it was no such thing, it was "only" Bumble Foot, which is a bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction on the feet of birds. It could be caused by a cut, which happened in our case. It got inflamed and the whole foot swelled up and he couldn't step on it. Thanks to some internet videos we found out how to treat it on our own. Here is us playing vets to Thanksgiving:

First, we filled up a bucket with warm water and poured Epson Lavender Salt in it. Then we dipped Thanksgiving in. He really enjoyed this soak, can you tell?

Next I had to dry him and make him feel comfortable so we can clean his wound and treat it. (I realized I am starting to call them "him"...) This position worked.

While I was holding him, my husband cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and put some Neosporin cream on it to help with the infection. Then he wrapped it up in gauze. You have to change the gauze first every day but then when it gets better, once in two days is fine.

He built him a small shady shelter because the weather was terribly hot here. We gave him water and food right next to his head and were happy to find out that he had good appetite and started eating right away. You also have to put new hay under the bird daily because he is pooping in one spot, under himself. This is Thanksgiving panting in the heat.

Hubby even installed a fan in their coup.

And here is Turkey keeping him company. He didn't stop calling his friend the whole time we had him in a garage.


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Anonymous said...

So nice to see good caring people who take the time to nurture a turkey. I would have done the same thing.

Aya said...

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