Welcome to my garden tour! I am linking to my good friend's Garden Tour Linky Party, which is happening over here at Jenniferrizzo.com. If you wold like to see some amazing gardens, go over there and take a tour!
We have been living in our house nearly ten years now and our yard takes constant transformation. Every year new beds emerge, new plants get planted (and replanted), new animals join the crew, and some unwanted things disappear. Take a look at my side garden first.
When you pull up to our house, you can take the steps on your right to enter my garden. When we moved in, this was a big jungle of fast growing trees, bushes and tons of lily of the valley plants everywhere. It took me a while to transform it into my vision, and believe me when I say - I am still not finished.
This is what you see when you come up the stairs.
And this is on the other side. I am about to harvest my lavender for the first time this year! There is more of it on the other side!!!
and turn around... My side garden is long and narrow.
This is the best smell on Earth!
When you walk through the gate, you will have to pass my kids' playhouse and sandbox in order to see my husband's pride - his pond! He created it himself from scratch, using a small digger. He dug up two circular holes and he used the dirt from the holes to create the waterfall hill. Do you see my pink bird house? Every year we have some guests in there!
I love this part of the pond front! This chive plant has survived several winters in this pot outside.
This is the look with my herb garden in the front.
And a little watering can for decoration. The hosta pot is covering the pump system.
My very talented husband decided to expand my garden so I gained two extra beds this year! You can see what's behind the fence and look at my sprouts by clicking on this link.
A little corner by the chicken coop.
This is our chicken coop.
Say hello to our girls! You can read more about them here.
And their neighbors turkey babies. You can read about their introduction to our family here.
My corn is doing ok. I just transplanted it next to the porch together with my pumpkins. I am hoping they will do well.
The blueberries seem to be thriving thanks to a great advice from Jen.
And now my porch is slowly getting decorated with the annuals and I am planning on adding some herbs as well!
I grew these from seeds! First time and it paid off! I will do more next year!
I hope you enjoyed my garden as much as I enjoy working in it! Have a great day!
You have a gorgeous garden! I love your photos:)Thank you So much for sharing this! Deidre http://simplysimplisticated4.blogspot.com
Thank you so much! I am trying ;-)
Your gardens are beautiful!!
Beautiful, Monika!!!!!!I'm so proud to have a daughter in law like you!!!!!,super, I can't wait you'll come and make my garden same....thank you
Thank you all for your kind comments! Babcia, your garden is already beautiful!
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